Sure, it makes sense that gay media mogul Paul Colichman, owner of Out and the Advocate, is taking some flack because he doesn't support Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. To gay rights advocates, after all, Obama is far preferable to his opponent. But Colichman's critics would do well to distance themselves from comrade-in-arms Neal Boulton, the Genre editor who slammed Colichman in Page Six today and declared his own support for Obama "whether he says he's for gay marriage or not." Pansexual playboy Boulton should realize that's easy for him to say, but for Colichman and his gay partner it's an entirely different story. Boulton is already married to a woman. The marriage is one of some devotion, and a natural outgrowth of Boulton's attraction to women. And it's hard to imagine the editor settling down with a man.

Boulton is with his wife mainly because she is mother to his children. And as he himself recently pointed out, "I am a horrible catch, as I am more married to my work and my guitar than I would ever be to any man woman or child."

Perhaps Boulton will be ready to settle down eventually. But, in the meantime, he should conjure some more sympathy today — now — for gays who would like the option to get married sooner. Gays like Paul Colichman.

(Photo via Queerty)