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As far as media memes go, golddiggers are now like Somali pirates: the not-so-innocent repository for all our fears, fantasies, and ill-informed speculation. There they were, a low-profile subsection of society, going about their business of spending men's money, making themselves look pretty, and disdaining feminism. Now, not only are wealthy suitors in much shorter supply, but suddenly everyone has an opinion on the whys and wherefores of choosing to date rich.

Today it's the turn of Forbes columnist Elizabeth Eaves, who has written an impassioned little screed against exploiting men for cash—we guess as a former stripper she knows of what she speaks—in which she recommends dating starving artists and paying for your own dinner. And that is officially the last time we ever wish to see any of those words next to each other in the same sentence.

Will The Recession End Gold Digging? [Forbes]