• Everyone on Wall Street is waiting for Tim Geithner to take to the stage at 11am to outline the administration's new bailout plan. Among other things, he'll be announcing a new name for the bailout: TARP (or Troubled Asset Relief Program) will be FSP (or Financial Stability Plan) from now on. [BN, DB, CNN]
• UBS announced a quarterly loss of $6.9 billion and now says it plans to cut another 2,000 more jobs at the bank. Is there anyone left? [NYT, WSJ]
• Linda Chatman Thomsen, who has led the SEC's enforcement division since 2005, has stepped down from the job amid criticism. [NYT, NYP]
• One thing Wall Street has clearly screwed up as of late? Its PR efforts. [TDB]
• Private equity firm Fortress has slashed 11 percent of its staff. [DB]
• Strangely, there are few buyers for the crappy assets AIG is selling. [BN]