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State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver turns 65 today. Rudy Giuliani's ex-wife, Donna Hanover, is 59. Real estate developer Francis Greenburger is 60. Peter Gabriel is turning 59. Robbie Williams is 35. Stockard Channing turns 65. Jerry Springer is 65. And Henry Rollins turns 48. People celebrating their birthdays this weekend—including Valentine's Day birthday boys like Michael Bloomberg and Steve Schwarzman—after the jump.

Saturday: Michael Bloomberg (67); Steve Schwarzman (62); Jimmy Cayne (75); Victor Ganzi (62); investment strategist Byron Wien (76); Rob Thomas (37); Gabe Pressman (85); Scott McClellan (41); Carl Bernstein (65); Pat O'Brien (61); Renée Fleming (50); and dentist-to-the-stars Larry Rosenthal, who will be 61.

Sunday: Dolly Lenz (52); Conor Oberst (29); chef Joey Campanaro (37); club owner David Rabin (48); Jaromir Jagr (37); Jane Seymour (58); Janice Dickinson (54); Simpsons creator Matt Groening (54); and choreographer Bill T. Jones, who will be 57.