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When we pointed out last week that potential veep candidate Sarah Palin bore a strong resemblance to Tina Fey as Liz Lemon (except for their stances on important social issues), never did we imagine the proof would come in the form of this Life cover from September 2004. Striking a remarkably similar pose to her current Rolling Stone spread (what is it with her and men with ties?), Fey needs little else besides an exotically named brood and a hilarious accent to complete her remarkably accurate Palin impression. In fact, according to Poynter Online, the cover shoot may have given John McCain some ideas:

He was thrilled to meet her and they got along very well: They had lunch and he gave her an impromptu tour of the Senate building. Makes us wonder if when McCain met Palin for the first time, he said, 'You know, you remind me of someone..."

We're a little skeptical that the Life shoot was McCain's first introduction to Fey — after all, he'd previously guest-hosted on Saturday Night Live while Fey was still head writer. And, as long as we're pouring cold water on rumors, let's dash the hopes many hold that Fey will cameo on the SNL season premiere as Palin. Something tells us that SNL will be spoofing Palin until the election (and beyond), in which case they'll probably use a regular like the Palin-a-like Casey Wilson. Still, let's enjoy the Life cover as a snapshot of what could have been. Lord knows, Fey has more pressing concerns to handle right now.