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Eliot Spitzer came out of hiding the other night to make an appearance at an event organized by The Atlantic, money manager Boykin Curry and his wife, interior designer Celerie Kemble. Billed as a "Not State of the Union viewing party" (and held at a townhouse owned by Russian-born billionaire Len Blavatnik), the former governor took to the mic after President Obama finished his remarks before Congress and explained to the crowd who he thought deserved blame for the current economic crisis:

Yes we have the CEOs with the jets, but at a larger level, it begins with hypocrisy, with those who have led us to the precipice... They took everything in sight and violated their fundamental fiduciary obligation to shareholders, employees, and consumers.

Agreed! We find it so distasteful when public figures say one thing and then do another. He also reports he's been having some pain in his hamstring and my calf muscle, if you've been wondering why you haven't seen him jogging in Central Park as much recently.

Eliot Spitzer Is Holding Court Again [NYM/Daily Intel]