Uh-oh. Barbra Streisand—referred to among the elite Democratic core as the Black Buttah Widow for the way her endorsements mean the certain kiss of death—will perform at an Obama fundraiser at the ballroom of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on September 16. This is a room that holds only 700 people, so attendees will be expected to pony up for the privilege. From Variety.com:

Obama will start the evening with a 5 p.m. dinner event for about 250 people at Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills, the historic estate once owned by the legendary Doheny family. Tickets for the event are $28,500.

Later, he will attend a reception at the Beverly Wilshire, followed by Streisand's special performance. Tickets for the event are $2,500 per person. Co-hosts for event include the DreamWorks team of Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen, as well as political consultant Andy Spahn. It's also being organized with Obama's Southern California finance team.

Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen, too? Why don't they just wheel out a coffin that says "OBAMA 08" and drive a symbolic last nail into it with one of Sarah Palin's spare seal clubs? And speaking of the VP candidate, Streisand has weighed in on her website with an essay on the Brooke Hogan-radar-evader, entitled, "McCain Doesn't Get It: Women are not that stupid." It's a lot more enjoyable a read if you set it to the tune of "The Way We Were."

Maybe He was sick of the lack of media attention Maybe he had enough of the late night talk show hosts Poking fun at his age

That one goes out to you, mom.