Marie Claire Editor Earns Her Stripes in Evil

Anna Wintour has set a mythically high bar of imperious bitchitude for other fashion magazine editors to live up to, but no doubt Joanna Coles—the British editor of Marie Claire now familiar to reality TV viewers thanks to Running in Heels—would love to be talked about in the same tones of fear and awe. The quotes in this weekend's Daily Mail profile, therefore, must be music to her ears (if not actually written by her publicist). Coles, who's "said to make Wintour look like a warm-hearted pushover," apparently presides over an office "often in danger of drowning in a tidal wave of tears."
"Joanna doesn't do warm and fuzzy," says an ex-staffer. "She upsets everyone." Another recalls: "She becomes easily frustrated. She can be a very physical person." But of course, throwing things at people and making them cry is only half the battle: Anna's fearsome reputation is solidified by her all-important moniker, "Nuclear Wintour." Sadly, Joanna's so far—"Coles Snap," "Yorkshire Terrier"—don't really cut it. Now there's a task for Running in Heels interns Ashley, Talita, and Samantha that would actually be useful: surveying the public to discover a tyrant-worthy power-nickname for their boss.
After 'Nuclear' Wintour, meet the terrier who mauled Manhattan [Daily Mail]