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Even though The Wrestler hasn’t even come out yet, isn’t it about time we started discussing what Darren Aronofsky’s gonna do next? Rumors have circulated that he’ll be helming the Robocop reboot, but according to a recent interview with /Film, the director has set his sights on far nobler pursuits—namely a huge religious epic about the story of Noah.

It’s a project he’s wanted to work on since before the days of Pi, and he’s already pretty far along. So says Aronofsky: “We have an amazing screenplay. It’s a great script and it’s HUGE. And we’re starting to feel out talent. And then we’ll probably try and set it up.” Now all he has to do is get a studio to greenlight it, which, according to the director, shouldn’t be a problem. “It’s the end of the world and it’s the second most famous ship after the Titanic. So I’m not sure why any studio won’t want to make it. I think it’s really timely because it’s about environmental apocalypse which is the biggest theme, for me, right now for what’s going on on this planet. So I think it’s got these big, big themes that connect with us. Noah was the first environmentalist. He’s a really interesting character. Hopefully they’ll let me make it.”

Sounds interesting, and everybody is totes in love with Aronofsky right now, but remember, this is the same dude who made The Fountain, which is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. (To be fair, your humble managing editor Uncle Grambo loves that P.O.S.). Be that as it may, I’m willing to give Noah the benefit of the doubt. Pi and Requiem were awesome, The Wrestler looks great, and movies about the great biblical flood always work. Take Evan Almighty for example. Oh wait…