
Mickey Rourke "Beat" a Homeless Man in a Boxing Match

Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/14 09:37AM

Actor and faded tough guy Mickey Rourke, age 62, fought in and won a professional boxing match last Saturday night. His opponent: a "homeless drifter" who clearly took a dive.

Mickey Rourke's Man Purse: A Bold Fashion Choice for Gross Gym Rats

Maureen O'Connor · 12/05/11 04:20PM

First Lenny Kravtz carried a man purse, and I did not care, because he's Lenny Kravitz and was wearing high-heel boots, too. But then Mickey Rourke carried a man purse, and it was thrilling, because he's Mickey Rourke! Craggy-faced, greasy-haired, unquestionably heterosexual Mickey Rourke! Micky Rourke in sweatpants, a cowboy shirt, and a giant cold sore. Blister-lipped Mickey Rourke with a dainty purse in his hand. Yes, it's official, the man purse is here to stay.

Immortals Is Like a Perfect Lover: Beautiful and Stupid

Brian Moylan · 11/11/11 01:37PM

We've all met them before, someone who is incredibly attractive, almost unbelievably so. It's like they were Photoshopped by nature. But then they start talking and you realize there is absolutely zero substance to them. Still, you keep talking to them, engaging with them, because it's just so damn pretty. That is exactly what watching Immortals is like.

Jim Carrey Got a Really Stupid Haircut

Brian Moylan · 04/11/11 01:32PM

Jim Carrey, that nearly forgotten relic of the '90s, tried to improve his image and box office relevance by getting himself a new haircut. It's not working.

Which Celebrities Should We Send to Starve in a Jungle?

Richard Lawson · 02/16/11 04:41PM

First, a Survivor question! After that, there is so much pilot casting news today it's hard to know what to do with it! Some of it is very exciting (Summer Roberts!) and some of it less so (Donna Pinciotti as Chelsea Handler), but absolutely all of it is need-to-know. Or not. Whatever. Here it is.

Mickey Rourke Is Going Gay?

Richard Lawson · 07/19/10 03:08PM

He might, he just might be. Also today: Good news about a promising sitcom, Daniel Radcliffe is going to get the pants scared off him (not literally), Grey's Anatomy welcomes a new hunk, and the Glee guy is very rich.

Now Presenting: The Betty White Sex Photo Scandal

Maureen O'Connor · 06/16/10 08:25AM

Is Betty White's burgeoning sex scandal too strange to be true, or too out-of-the-blue to be untrue? Miley Cyrus says she's not "slutty." Perez Hilton says his Miley Cyrus upskirt wasn't kid porn. Wednesday's gossip roundup is open to interpretation.

Netflix Sunday Matinee: Rumble Fish

Tom Dobrowolski · 05/30/10 12:30PM

A reformed gang leader, Mickey Rourke, returns home to steer his younger brother away from a life of crime in Francis Ford Coppola's stylish 1983 film. Basically the Outsiders for adults.

Mickey Rourke, Drunken Fool

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/20/10 10:45AM

It's probably unwise to intentionally drive Mickey Rourke into a drunken rage, but what happens if you try to trick him into intoxication? Here, the master thespian bellies up to the bar to prove angry alcoholism is his default state.

The Expendables Trailer Has Arrived!

Frank Cozzarelli · 03/31/10 06:05PM

The trailer for The Expendables (née My Big Fat 90's Action Movie) debuted today and features Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis and a panoply of other names you haven't heard since Demoliton Man was tearing up the box office.

Shy Heidi Montag Fails to Keep Breasts Covered While Filming Movie

Maureen O'Connor · 03/17/10 08:14AM

Mrs. Pratt's bikini top overfloweth and the paparazzi goes wild. What caused the Winslet-Mendes divorce? Ashley Dupre sets her hair on fire while posing naked. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt dares to wear pants. Wednesday gossip is full of risks.

cityfile · 12/23/09 04:50PM

Golf Digest has decided to "suspend" Tiger Woods' monthly column. Will Condé Nast continue to pay him his $3 million-a-year salary? Unclear. [NYP]
• The Balloon Boy parents were sentenced to 90 days (him) and 20 days (her) today. For what it's worth, Richard Heene says he's "very, very sorry." [AP]
• Alexis Glick, one of Fox Business's first employees, resigned today. [LAT]
• Fox will go ahead with Idol with or without Simon Cowell. Obviously. [THR]
• Another humorless group is whining about MTV's Jersey Shore. [AP]
• The feud between Time Warner/Fox over cable fees is getting nasty. [DF]
• Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts and Mickey Rourke have signed on to present at next month's Golden Globes alongside host Ricky Gervais. [LAT]
• A look back at the wars Rupert Murdoch has waged over the years. [NYM]
• The trailer for Sex and the City 2 was released today. Yes, already. [EW]

Tiger's Troubles Multiply; Uma & Arki Split

cityfile · 12/08/09 07:47AM

• It looks like Tiger Woods' wife has had enough. Elin Nordegren moved out of the couple's Florida home yesterday and is staying at another home nearby. It doesn't look like she's planning to come back. Swedish news outlets are reporting that she paid $2.3 million to buy a house in in Sweden last week. [Radar, NYDN, NYP]
• Another 911 call was received from Tiger Woods' house last night. It's still unclear what happened, but an ambulance transported a middle-aged woman to the hospital and a "blonde woman" reportedly followed behind in an Escalade. One possibility is that it was Elin Nordegren's mom, who flew to the U.S. last week to be with her daughter. [TMZ, Radar]
• Yet another Woods mistress may be getting ready to come forward. And this one's claiming she has cell phone photos of Tiger's nether regions. Playgirl says it's is in the process of "authenticating" the pics to make sure it's him. How it plans to do that is unclear, although there are nine women (and counting) who should be able to help, presumably. [Us]
Uma Thurman and fiancé Arki Busson have called it quits. And Bernie Madoff may be partly to blame. The Swiss financier reportedly lost a bundle investing with Madoff, and that may have put a strain on the relationship. [NYP]