Go figure: There were two Lehman Brothers-related weddings announced in Sunday's Times. The "for poorer" section of the vows must have rung brutally even before the company officially headed for bankruptcy, since the company was clearly in trouble before the weddings took place Saturday.

The poors might sympathize with the plight of the Lehman investor relations VP married to a fancy Yale doctor, since it can't be easy being a gay in the testosterone-soaked world of financial services. The VP for junk bond sales (pictured), however, is pure schadenfreude fodder.

Teddy Roosevelt may be charming; and we're terrified of the wrath of his new wife Serena Torrey, who runs marketing and business development for New York magazine. But the uninitiated reader will note only that the Lehman exec is the great-great grandson of Theodore Roosevelt, and probably got his doomed job through, you know, connections.

From his Times bio. "His father is a managing director and investment banker at Lehman Brothers in Manhattan; he is also the chairman of the firm’s council on climate change." As a tipster put it, "sure hope he cleaned out his desk before heading off to the honeymoon!"

[Idea via Choire, Photo New York Times]