Greta Van Susteren scored an interview with Todd "First Dude" Palin last night — he actually came from a smaller town than Wasilla?! — that will give you a better idea of what everyone wants to know about Sarah Palin, which is to say "what she was like in high school." The answer is not Tracey Flick! Mysteries still remain: he claims she was "shy" but does that mean "shy" in an aloof popular way or "shy" in a "it is actually conceivable that she conceived Track the night she lost her virginity" way? Also: Sarah Palin looked exactly like a character on the cover of a Sweet Valley High book. Anyway, Todd seems generally sweet and if not exactly conveying of a towering intellect he at least seems to appreciate the value of diplomacy: when asked about his wife's high school basketball career he says: "She wasn't a player who you would see in all of the stats, but she was a valuable part of the team."