Laurel Touby, the millionaire founder of Mediabistro—which totally exists to give freelancers the false hope of getting media jobs—has been called upon to give a speech about "Best Practices in Freelancing." Except she's forgotten everything about freelancing, because she's a millionaire now! So she needs you freelancers to help:

Okay, I am officially a procrastinator. I got asked to speak at this National Writers' Workshop Conference down in Florida. The Topic: Best Practices in Freelancing. The speech is coming up THIS WEEKEND and it occurred to me that I haven't freelanced in...let's just say many moons — voice mail existed, but email barely did!! So, I need your advice, my dear assigning editors and freelancers, on the best practices today. Your responses are anonymous and we'll publish a useful article after compiling all the results. ASSIGNING EDITORS SURVEY, click here. FREELANCERS SURVEY, click here. If you would rather privately email me, feel free at LaurelT ATTTTT mediabistro DOTTTTT Com Thanks so much for your help! Laurel Touby founder

This, she actually posted on FishbowlDC. I guess the fact that she didn't email 2,000 people is progress.