Portfolio's Jeff Bercovici hears that former VP and current elitist environmentalist Al Gore is planning to buy Plenty, the environmentally-themed do-gooder magazine. Gore's on the cover of the current issue. No official confirmation yet, although Plenty's owner told Bercovici only "that wouldn't be quite accurate." So, sounds true. Did Gore miss all the smart people saying the "green" advertising boom is over? Is he itching to be a mogul past the point of good sense? Gore already has the youth-oriented Current TV network, which isn't doing incredibly well, business-wise. And his post-White House fame has allowed him to move in highfalutin circles—I'm sure he has more friends in venture capital than in farming these days. Plenty might not be the wisest investment, judging only by the general state of the print magazine industry. So this doesn't seem like mogul envy on Gore's part. He's apparently a true believer, and sees environmental media investments as part of his mission. If he makes money on them we'll really be impressed. [Anybody have inside info about Gore's plans? Email us.] [Mixed Media]