Bush To Retire With Texas Plutocrats

- President Bush will retire to Preston Hollow, just outside Dallas, after leaving the White House but prior to being brought to justice. The town has rich people, golf and horsies. Cindy Adams is apparently the first non-conspirator to know. [Post]
- West Village lesbian club Rubyfruit claims it was told by Samantha Ronson's people she doesn't perform in gay and lesbian venues, Lindsay Lohan affair or not. Ronson's rep denied this story, saying the DJ was never even approached. [P6]
- Lohan's estranged, press-hungry father, meanwhile, disparaged Ronson's toilet paper habits and called her a "disgusting representation of humanity." [Sun]
- Longtime flim star Robert Wagner revealed his four-year affair in the 1950s with classic film star Barbara Stanwyck, 23 years older. [AP]
- David Spade flaked on some charity event because he mixed up the Los Angeles Trump National Golf Club with the New Jersey Trump National Golf Club. It's happened to all of us at least once. [P6]
- Director Bennett Miller's girlfriend emailed everyone to ask for a new job because she can't work for Miller now that they're going steady. [P6]