Last time we checked in on Margaret Cho's Myspace, the comedienne was opining (as celebrities are wont to do) on vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin — namely, how Cho would erotically "steam up those glasses" should the two ever meet in a voting booth tete-a-tete straight out of Penthouse magazine. Some fans cried foul, accusing Cho of sexism, so she retired to her blog today to push the envelope even further while blaming others for anti-woman rhetoric:

I am being accused of sexually objectifying Sarah Palin, and I did it because I think it is funny – mostly because she is anti-gay, and would like people like me to be sent to a camp where we can study the bible with other gays and lesbians and have electrodes placed on our privates until we are forced to become heterosexual – like her and um, Track. So I said I would like to do rude things to her, because frankly, I like pussy, and I am not giving it up anytime soon – no matter what the "Christians" have to say about it.

More Cho, after the jump:

Gay sex is monumentally more fun than straight sex. God made it that way, so we would stay gay! He wants us to persevere! Stay strong!! Gay sex is better than straight sex. Sorry, it just is – I should know – I have liberal amounts of both. And Sarah Palin is missing out. However, I do feel the misogyny against Palin – you would have to be blind not to see it. The interview with Charlie Gibson was where I felt it most acutely. Gibson had such contempt for her – of course due to her inexperience and utter inability to answer any question properly and saying the word "nucular" – but I feel if she were a man, he wouldn't have had as much hatred in his eyes. The last idiotic VP – Dan Quayle – was met with a certain amount of criticism, but it was nothing compared to what Palin has had to face, and will continue to face. I am certainly not defending Palin – because make no mistake – she is the ultimate misogynist. She is a woman hater in the extreme. To force women to have children against their will, to deny abortion rights EVEN in cases of incest and rape is abominable. She is an insult to feminism, a sickening example what a woman will do to other women in order to please men and further her own career. Women do shit like that to other women to keep them down – to make their achievement seem more extraordinary – to keep women out of their way, so they can enjoy all the power and the men themselves, and that stuff makes them worse than sexist men. It is worse to be a traitor than a perpetrator. That she made rape victims pay for their own forensic exams shows that she believes that women somehow deserved to be raped – that it is our fault, just like unplanned pregnancy, just like being victimized by men – or women like her. She acts like all women are wearing a miniskirt and are asking for it. So fuck her.

...Literally! At this rate, we expect the Cho/Palin rhetoric to become so inflamed that by November 5, Cho's Myspace blog will be populated with bukkake-filled fever dreams and Palin photoshops that place the candidate at the scene of the Titanic sinking, the Nuremberg rallies, and Britney Spears's disastrous performance at the VMAs last year. Either that, or Palin will have Cho's blog fired. [Photo Credit: Austin Young]