Anonymous guerrilla street artist Banksy's dealer (his art dealer) Steve Lazarides is opening up a pop-up gallery in New York, reports the Sun. The space is on the Bowery, of course, as part of the quest to turn it into doucheland like the rest of downtown. Banksy's work isn't to appear in the exhibit... but is it scheduled to appear in the surrounding streets?Street art resembling Banksy's has been popping up in Lower Manhattan in the last week:

"Mr. Lazarides has denied rumors of Banksy's participation in the show. But over the past week, street art and graffiti, some of it in the style closely associated with Banksy, has emerged on the stretch of Houston between Bowery and Elizabeth Street, suggesting the presence of the elusive prankster.

...Since Sunday, however, graphic images, including posters of Senator Obama dressed as Superman, Warhol-style images of Marilyn Monroe with Monroe's face replaced by that of Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, or Leonard Nimoy, and a Degas dancer on crutches, have emerged on the concrete construction barriers, portable toilets, and pieces of detritus littering Houston Street west of the Bowery. Banksy's work often includes stenciled images of pop-culture icons in appropriated scenarios."

...Banksy? Probably not, Sun. Animal NY also says "no way."