The Debate Is Finally Upon Us
So here are our hosts for tonight's debate liveblog, the best political team on the web, clockwise from top left:
- Jeff Bercovici of Portfolio;
- a bewigged Alex Pareene of Gawker;
- the site's weekend editor, Ian Spiegelman
- Robert George of the New York Post;
- Peter Feld, a strategist on the Dukakis presidential campaign and Fox News token liberal;
- professional gadfly Andrew Krucoff and the Young Manhattanite crew;
- and web microcelebrity Rex Sorgatz.
You can start commenting now but the hosts will only come online at 8:30pm. Here are the rules. Stay civil or you will be banned. Quote any lines you're referring to. Respond to a specific comment rather than starting a new thread-unless you're convinced a topic hasn't been properly addressed. Email me if you don't have an account and you'd like to join in. Have fun-and may the best man win. Follow either of these links to join the chat:
- Watching and typing live? Click this link for the latest discussion threads-and then click refresh any time you want to update.
- Just joining us? Browse through the most active discussions first.
- If there's a discussion thread you particularly like, click on the time stamp to the right. That will take you through to a page like this with comments only on that particular topic: one like this.