And Today We Drown

Gawker photographer Nikola Tamindzic had an imaged ready for this day. For higher definition, visit Home of the Vain.
Gawker photographer Nikola Tamindzic had an imaged ready for this day. For higher definition, visit Home of the Vain.
America is a waterlogged sex doll?
@Truculent: Is there any other kind?
@NinaHagen: I'm guessing yes.
@Truculent: I always thought those were waterproof.
@Aaron Altman: Me too. She needs to put a smile on that Action Mouth (c) so we can all feel better
I think it actually symbolizes America as Ophelia, turned mad and desperate by powerful men controlling her any way they please, pushing her to a murky, lonely, suicidal end. And, eventually, leading to the ruin of all.
@Richard: I was thinking more Lady of Shallot whose boat has been repo'd.
@Richard: What exactly do you expect when she see's the debauchery afoot? When the leader of the free world apparently has an oedipal complex to a mother named Barbara….err Gertrude and likes to whisper sweet nothings to an old skull named Uric or John, whichever is easiest.
If you play The Cure's Pornography over and over (and over and over) while looking at this photo (and dying), then it's, like, a million years beautiful.
Again and again.
And again.
@Potassium Solution: sort of like this:
John McCain's mouth to mouth on our drowning country didn't work. He used too much tongue.
@bringmemyTofu: Not to mention his dentures kept slipping out.