Star Trek reeled in $76 million at the box office this weekend. [WSJ]
• Metro is selling off its collection of free (and money-losing) newspapers to Seabay Media, a company controlled by Metro's former CEO. [WaPo]
Playboy says it's planning to make "radical changes" to the mag, and may raise prices as well as reduce the number of issues it prints every year. [Folio]
Jon Stewart is creating a two-hour special for the History Channel. [B&C]
• Lit agent Larry Kirshbaum is shopping a memoir by Rafael Nadal. [Crain's]
• More speculation the Sulzbergers will be forced to give up the Times. [NYP]
• Speaking of the Times, a San Francisco organization paid columnist Tom Friedman $75,000 for a speech he's given before (and which is online). [SFC]
• Brit chef Jamie Oliver and Ryan Seacrest are working on a new reality show for ABC that will "give healthy makeovers to an entire city." Be afraid. [THR]

• The Washington Post and Google may be planning a "collaboration." [WaPo]
• The Wall Street Journal may introduce a micropayment plan. [Reuters]
• TV Land is looking to sex things up, although the plan—which includes a show devoted to cougars (the women, not the animals) has yet to pay off. [NYT]
American Idol's ratings are down, although revenues are up. [NYT]
• MSNBC's Carlos Watson is launching a news/opinion website. [BW]
• Networks may see a 10% to 20% decline at the upfronts this year. [AdAge]
• Is ESPN blackballing Selena Roberts over her new A-Rod book? [P6]
• Here's a grim sign about the state of the media business: Struggling television stations are now turning to struggling newspapers for support. [NYT]