Another Defeat for the Giuliani Family

Last year, Rudy Giuliani's son Andrew filed a lawsuit against Duke University after the school kicked him off the golf team. Andrew claimed that Duke's golf coach had made up a series of allegations in order to force him off the team and had turned his classmates against him. The school (and the coach) countered by saying Giuliani had been dumped for "a variety of boorish acts, including assaulting a teammate, defying coaches, and violating 'both the rules and the spirit of the game of golf.'" (In other words, he behaved much the same way you'd expect given his equally boorish dad.) A judge finally weighed in yesterday and dismissed the lawsuit—but not before slipping in a series of references to Caddyshack in the process. Andrew shouldn't have any trouble putting this legal defeat behind him. As the Smoking Gun points out, "Giuliani graduated this month from Duke, so he's got that going for him."