And On the Third Day Caroline Giuliani Went Into Hiding
Maureen O'Connor · 08/06/10 03:43PMAndrew Giuliani Loses Duke Golf Team Lawsuit
Pareene · 03/30/10 03:47PMAnother Giuliani Suffers a Loss
cityfile · 12/02/09 10:09AM
When it comes to golf, Andrew Giuliani is no Tiger Woods, clearly. The son of the former mayor, who has said he plans to pursue a career as a professional golfer (and who appears to have inherited his dad's fashion sense), was bounced out of a competition sponsored by the Golf Channel yesterday. At least his father should be able to give him some wise counsel on how to deal with the agony of defeat, right? [NYP]
Another Defeat for the Giuliani Family
cityfile · 05/20/09 11:09AM
Last year, Rudy Giuliani's son Andrew filed a lawsuit against Duke University after the school kicked him off the golf team. Andrew claimed that Duke's golf coach had made up a series of allegations in order to force him off the team and had turned his classmates against him. The school (and the coach) countered by saying Giuliani had been dumped for "a variety of boorish acts, including assaulting a teammate, defying coaches, and violating 'both the rules and the spirit of the game of golf.'" (In other words, he behaved much the same way you'd expect given his equally boorish dad.) A judge finally weighed in yesterday and dismissed the lawsuit—but not before slipping in a series of references to Caddyshack in the process. Andrew shouldn't have any trouble putting this legal defeat behind him. As the Smoking Gun points out, "Giuliani graduated this month from Duke, so he's got that going for him."
Brooke Flip Flops, Madonna Gets Vengeful
cityfile · 05/12/09 06:26AM
• Brooke Shields can't seem to make up her mind about who's to blame for the Kiefer Sutherland-Jack McCollough incident last week. A few days ago, her reps denied she'd been pushed by Jack. But now she says he did bump into her, and that Kiefer "has always been a gentleman" with her. Go figure. [TMZ, NYDN]
• Madonna took her kids to a Mets game on Mother's Day, which was all part of a plan to make Alex Rodriguez jealous, apparently. Also, the singer/diehard baseball fan sat in Jerry Seinfeld's seats and hung out with the Anderson Cooper the whole time, just so you know. [P6]
• More topless photos of Carrie Prejean have surfaced online. [TMZ]
• Barbara Walters wore the same dress to the Time 100 gala and the White House Correspondents' Dinner. The horror! [TMZ]
• Maya Rudolph and PT Anderson are expecting their second child. [People]
Posh's Kitchen Position, Dunst's 'Depression'
cityfile · 09/11/08 06:09AMWhat Andrew Giuliani's Expulsion From Golf Says About Civilization
Michael Weiss · 07/24/08 10:59AM
Rudy Giuliani's son Andrew — the little scamp who mugged for cameras at his father's mayoral inauguration in 1994, then disappeared in anger after his parents' divorce — has been ejected from Duke's golf team for what his lawyers are calling "unfounded accusations" and a "bizarre Lord of the Flies scheme." Yes, you read that right, and it's good to know Andrew's counsel is as evocative as dad was as a federal prosecutor and prince of the city. While details are thin (Duke says it hasn't received a copy of the suit yet), Newsday hints at an intramural power struggle that's more Larry David than William Golding:
Andrew Giuliani Takes a Big Swing
cityfile · 07/24/08 09:13AMRudy Giuliani, Family Guy
abalk2 · 03/08/07 10:20AMBack in 1993, when Rudy Giuliani was making his second run for mayor, his strategists felt a need to soften his image and show that he wasn't just the guy who would lead a group of racist policemen in yelling "Bullshit!" in front of City Hall. They came up with this ad (entitled "Gentle") which featured then-wife Donna Hanover praising her husaband's family values. As it turned out, he had so much love for family that he went and got a whole other one. Still, in light of recent developments, fun to watch!
Giuliani Brat Estranged from Rudy, Own Neck
Choire · 03/03/07 05:10PM
Was there anything more emblematic of New York City's depravity and decay in the 1990s than the brief celebrity of Andrew Giuliani, spawn of hell? Horrifically combining mom Donna Hanover's WASP entitlement with dad Rudy's ethnic-white resentment, roly-poly Chucky-doll-look-alike Andy bounded across the local news in what was, in hindsight, our first warning of the terror and fascism to come. Really, if character-concerned voters are going to fault Obama for not having the will-power to quit smoking, shouldn't Giuliani be immediately disqualified for, you know, not spanking that kid more? As reported in the Times today, spoiled rotten Andrew ended up hating his dad anyway. Yep, it's the evil stepmother's fault.