In honor of our fleet of clever first-responders, we're happy to announce one long-overdue feature new to Defamer: Comments of the Week! Every Friday, we'll shine a spotlight on five of our favorite contributions from the commenter braintrust. Here's our inaugural batch of winners:
· el smrtmnky on New Viral Ad Suggests Only a Drunk Would Buy 'Indiana Jones 4' on DVD: "If you want real viral marketing, try the crystal head on Craigslist m4m any day of the week."
· Gnip-Gnop on This One Time, at a Beauty Contest... Sarah Palin Played the Flute: "She's not playing a flute. That's the sound of the wind whistling through her head."
· Little Mintz Sunshine on 'Mom's Vagina Kick' Just One Of Nikki Blonsky's Signature Moves: "Unless you've got some wicked stilettos and even more wicked aim, I would think it virtually impossible to kick someone in the vagina. But, as a girl who has wiped out on a boy bike, I can attest it's much worse than getting punched in the boob. Team Balls."
· dinalohan on Elisabeth Hasselbeck Would Prefer It If You Just Ignored That Palin/Couric Debacle: "I'm pretty sure Elizabeth's stint on Survivor: Australia gives her more foreign policy experience than Palin."
· KarenUhOh on How the 'Anne Hathaway Loves Anal Sex' Rumor Fooled The Internet: "I'm puzzled how something called "Celeb.Dump" could report it any other way."
Congratulations to this week's top five!