• It's not just TLC that is happy about the Jon & Kate nonsense. Putting them on the cover of Us six times in a row has been a "windfall" for Janice Min. [NYP]
• Get ready to pay for People.com: Time Warner chief Jeff Bewkes says the company may begin charging for access to online magazine content. [AP]
• With book sales plunging and attendance down at BookExpo America, the mood in the publishing industry is kinda gloomy at the moment. [NYT]
Keith Olbermann is in hot water again. The waterboarding video on his show last week was staged, it turns out, and MSNBC was made aware of that fact before the show, but they went ahead with it anyway. [Gawker]

• Former BMG chief (and now private equity investor) Strauss Zelnick seems to have decided against getting into the newspaper biz. [Reuters]
• Jeffrey Lyons's film program on WNBC has been cancelled. [P6]
• Over at WABC, sportscaster Marvel Scott appears to have vanished. [NYDN]
• TBS is launching a late-night show hosted by SNL vet Tim Meadows. [Variety]