Corporate Jet Special! All Inventory Must Go!

When we mentioned yesterday that Pfizer had put two of its planes up for sale, we were reminded of that moment in late 2008 when every company in America seemed determined to dump their flying palaces in response to the downturn. That had us wondering about the fate of some of the jets that had been placed on the market in the waning days of 2008. Did Citigroup's Vikram Pandit manage to dupe someone into taking a couple of planes and a helicopter off his hands? What about that New York Times Co. jet? Sadly, very few of them have found a new home (or hanger) yet. But some of them are cheaper than ever! And since the thought of these jets sitting forlornly at Teterboro pains us all, we've rounded up a bunch of corporate planes that remain on the market. Print out the used-plane ad above, hand it around the office, and spread the word: A little word-of-mouth marketing goes a long way!