Geek turned investment banker to save Wall Street

Every coder in the Valley was thinking that somewhere, somehow, we'd get called upon to fix the market meltdown. And sure enough, one of our own has been called to the job: Neel Kashkari, a 35-year-old finance whiz kid, has been tapped to spend the Treasury's $700 billion splurge on busted debt derivatives. Who is this guy?He worked at Goldman Sachs, in San Francisco, before joining the government, advising security-software companies on mergers and acquisitions — and he still has a house here. Prior to getting his MBA — Wharton, not Stanford, alas — he worked as an aerospace engineer at TRW on Nasa missions, and got a bachelor's and master's at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — Netscape founder Marc Andreessen's alma mater.