
Sleep Deprived Host Struggles Through Britney Spears Livestream Mess

Rich Juzwiak · 09/17/13 10:45AM

Poor Courtney Friel. Early this morning, the KTLA anchor was thrown in a Nevada desert to babble for an hour during the Planet Hollywood/ livestream announcing Britney Spears' upcoming Vegas residency. Often, she had no idea what was going on — she wondered aloud half a dozen times if she would ever get to talk to Britney (spoiler alert: she didn't). During the technically plagued livestream, Friel regularly had no idea what to talk about, so she discussed the imminent sunrise a few times, pointed out the "gadgets" being used to film her, showed off cue cards, and at one point squealed, "Oh my gosh, look! There is a drone!" That last outburst is my favorite thing in the highlight reel we put together of Friel's bumbling antics above.

Anthony Weiner Blows Up in Absurd Shouting Match with Jewish Voter

J.K. Trotter · 09/04/13 12:55PM

On Wednesday failed mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner yelled at a Jewish voter in Brooklyn’s Borough Park after the voter suggested that Weiner should drop out of the mayoral race. Watch the thoughtful discussion of morality and divine judgement that ensued.

Justin Bieber Continues His Public Temper Tantrum by Holding Up Traffic

Rich Juzwiak · 11/20/12 06:00PM

Justin Bieber is in a cranky mood these days, which means he's either teething or ruing the day that his mother ever pushed him into a life of public scrutiny and emotional dwarfism. On Sunday's American Music Awards, he dedicated one award to his haters and, during his Artist of the Year (ha, Artist of the Year, can you imagine?) acceptance speech, he moaned, "It's hard growing up with everything going on, with everyone watching me."

'I can't stop crying. America died': Donald Trump and Victoria Jackson Melt Down on Twitter

Max Read · 11/07/12 12:47AM

While most of us are celebrating Mitt Romney's defeat in the streets by legally smoking marijuana and gay-marrying randomly-chosen passers-by, not everyone is quite so happy. And thanks to Twitter, we know about it. Vibrating bologna loaf Donald Trump, mistakenly believing that Romney won the popular vote, is calling for "revolution," — revolution! — while former SNL actress Victoria Jackson is sobbing and telling Christians that they "disgust" her. We've saved all of their most embarrassing (some already deleted) Tweets here:

The Social Media Director at StubHub Is Not Having a Good Night

Taylor Berman · 10/05/12 09:22PM

Judging from the above tweet, it looks like someone on the social media team at StubHub was a bit overeager to start their weekend. They then tweeted this: "Tweet," which doesn't make much sense. Perhaps they were drunk. The tweets were soon deleted, and followed up with:

Jack White Cuts Concert Short, Twitter Tantrums Ensue

Taylor Berman · 09/30/12 10:50AM

Jack White played a show last night at Radio City Music Hall. It was heavily hyped. Understandably, people were very excited to see the ex-White Stripe frontman do his thing. The feeling, apparently, was not mutual as White stopped playing after just 45 minutes. While it's not entirely clear what set White off, he was at one point upset with a lack of crowd participation, or something.

Whore of the Worlds: How Tom Cruise’s Couch-Jumping Changed Stardom Forever

Rich Juzwiak · 05/23/12 02:57PM

"Tom Cruise like I've never seen him!" is how Oprah Winfrey described it on May 23, 2005, at the top of an episode of her show that would go on to become its most memorable: the one with the couch jumping. She wasn't lying. Cruise was known for being guarded and tight-lipped about his private life, and his effusive display was enough to overshadow his career and to redefine his star status. Reporting on Paramount's decision to sever its 14-year production deal with Cruise in 2006, the New York Times described the post-Oprah events as, "Tom Cruise's yearlong metamorphosis from pure box-office phenomenon to pop-culture punch line."

Slurring Semi-Famous Actress Publicly Implodes While Delivering Live Speech

Brian Moylan · 09/23/11 11:25AM

Kim Delaney, of NYPD Blue and Army Wives "fame", was giving a "speech" at the National Constitution Center to honor former defense secretary Robert Gates yesterday. Well, she showed up looking a mess and barely making sense while she tried to read the speech off a teleprompter. Oh, and it was on live TV.

How Not to Dispute a Wedding Bill

Jeff Neumann · 06/20/11 04:23AM

A seriously disturbed bridegroom, upset over the tab for his wedding at Peckforton Castle in Britain, allegedly took matters into his own hands over the weekend by lighting the place on fire after everyone had gone to sleep. The Daily Mail reports that over 100 firefighters responded to the blaze that started at around 4:45 am. Some 70 wedding guests were sleeping at the time and a man, presumably the bridegroom, was arrested.

Newt Gingrich Doesn't Need Your Help, 'Traditional Consulting Community'

Jim Newell · 06/10/11 12:37PM

Newt Gingrich, outsider candidate for president, addressed reporters at his decidedly inside-the-Beltway home in McLean, Virginia this morning, regarding yesterday's hilarious mass quitting of 16 top staffers. No, he's not ending his campaign, you amoral leeches. In fact yesterday's implosion was quite liberating! Now he can run the brilliant, innovative campaign he's always wanted, freed from the calcified constraints of the "traditional consulting community."