· The UK's Advertising Standards Authority has banned a series of ads, based loosely on True Romance Badlands, about a teenage girl who runs off with a renegade cactus man. Eventually, she gives birth to his prickly baby (see above). In case you're wondering, it's selling Oasis, a Coca Cola-brand fruit drink. · An Oscar first: The telecast will allow film ads to run this year, meaning Eddie Murphy can still be a part of the festivities—in some tangential, 30-paid-seconds-to-plug-BHC4 way! · Don't you worry about Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis is doing just fine. · Rumors of 60th anniversary $.25 In-N-Out burgers are greatly exaggerated. Sad face. (Not that we would have stood in line for them anyway.) · A-Ha's "Take On Me" video makes so much more sense to us now!