• It's been two years since Ben Silverman became co-chairman of NBC Entertainment. And what a two years it's been, huh? [LAT]
• The largest union at the Boston Globe will vote on a new contract on July 20, even though it's yet to iron out a deal with the New York Times Co. [BG]
Reader's Digest's plan to remain relevant: It's going to become even more conservative and old-fashioned, and embrace religion and stuff. [NYT]
• How are some newspaper reporters dealing with unemployment? They're turning to careers as go-kart racers. Just as you suspected. [Fortune]

• Most magazines are struggling on the ad front. But not Fitness! [MIN]
Portfolio is gone, but several of its articles live on in other magazines. [NYP]
• A group of music labels have won another suit over file-sharing. [NYT]
• NBC Universal is working with Microsoft on a new ad partnership. [MW]
• Investors are putting money into Michael Wolff's Newser.com. Names were not disclosed, presumably to protect their reputations from his. [Gawker]