Women have been wondering since they entered the workforce if they can really, truly "have it all": a great career and a (rich) husband and a killer wardrobe, house in the Hamptons, and a baby. And guess what: they can. Atoosa Rubenstein is the former EIC of CosmoGirl and Seventeen, and now a teen-girl empower-er who has "opted out" of the rat race. And guess what: "I'm still pretty young—young enough to ENJOY the fruits of my labor." Also, she is sad that CosmoGirl just folded because she started it and was, she will remind you, the "the youngest Editor in Chief in the 100 year history of Hearst Magazines."

"Even though I left the magazine 5 years ago, I always thought of it as "my baby" since I created the original concept on my bedroom floor with markers, a glue stick and lots of tubes of lipstick around me (to create the "Girl" in the CosmoGIRL! logo). Until Friday, it felt like my baby was still out there being taken care of by another wonderful family. It felt weird but the way things needed to be. Now that baby is gone....and replaced in my life by this new real life CosmoGIRL! - Angelika. ...My mom was right. If you work hard now, you CAN have everything later. I worked my TAIL off for about 15 years and today I have just the life I always dreamed of and my new baby girl completes that picture. I didn't get here by accident - I designed this life and set the foundation with years of hard work. Yet I'm still pretty young - young enough to ENJOY the fruits of my labor."

This is the type of earnestness we have come to expect from the 36-year-old 'Toos. Unfortunately it is not as endearing as babies or alpha kitties. [via Atoosa's AlphaKitty MySpace]