Lee Abrams is back—in memo form! The most high innovative exec at Tribune Co., Abrams' job is just to sit around and compose memos full of CAPITALIZATION and deep thoughts on the newspaper industry. Which are classics! His new memo includes the following things: his thoughts on redesigns; one of his old blog posts, in its entirety; a list of the top-grossing music acts of 2008; and a disquisition on old and ratty hotels. After the jump, enlightment:

*Complaint Magnification. .1% stops is insignificant. I think if we got 20,000 complaints, that too would be insignificant. To succeed and grow, we have to become 21st Century mass appeal, and part of that will generate complaints from the fringes. ersationally, as opposed to a "commercial".


*I see more people reading the Tribune than ever. Metra trains are a sea of Tribunes compared to a month ago.

Mmm hmm!

I used to write a blog and someone sent me one that I wrote about newspapers last year and wondered if I still felt the same way. I do. Which is why we hope to uncover myths, fallacies, assumptions and other sacred components that need to be brought to the table for uncomprimed discussion.

Ah ha!

I really think New Media needs some Old thinking to put soulfulness and magic into their mix, while Old media needs spectacular denial free new ideas to cut through the ever growing clutter. Denial is the key word. The Old Media guys tend to be so engrained in the way it's always worked...new media guys often reject some of the old values that may be unfashionable in the board room, but enlighten and satisfy consumers. Hotels are like that. Some "modern hotels" lack character. Some old hotels, are...old and ratty. But the Old Hotel with all the modern conveniences and charm...or the new hotel that has character and vibe—-that's the magic combination. Old Media integrating new ideas...or new media integrating (the good) old ideas—-That's the plan. Old thinking into New Media...and New thinking into old media.

Zorp! [via Romenesko]