
Hamilton Nolan · 12/31/12 12:55PM

As the Tribune Co. emerges from bankruptcy, heed its lesson: don't put a clown or an asshole in charge of your company.

Close to 200 Layoffs at Conde

Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/09 12:30PM

In your deathly Monday media column: More details on today's Conde Nast purge, point-counterpoint on Tribune Co's criminal management, an online news operation folds, and a journalist is killed.

Curing The Celebrity Disease With Bongs Memos

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/09 03:51PM

Tribune Co. Chief InnLOLvation Officer Lee Abrams has a new memo! "CELEBRITY CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY...We can't underestimate our importance these days. We can change this cultural disease." Both of those assertions are false.

Sara Nelson Out, Sharon Waxman In

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/09 02:48PM

In your sobering Monday media column: Publishers Weekly editor laid off, scrounging for dollars and cougars, former New York Times Hollywood reporter Sharon Waxman's web site cometh, and more!

Blagojevich Touched Us All

Pareene · 12/09/08 05:39PM

Usually the arrest of a corrupt Chicago politician would afford, at best, a paragraph of coverage here at Gawker. It's Dog-bites-man news. But Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is a magical figure, who is connected, directly and indirectly, with so many beloved Gawker characters. Steve Dressler put together this little illustration of Blago's Web of Deceit, and all those who've been caught in it. Join us for explanations, below.