Cosmopolitan is purportedly a magazine for women, but judging from its headlines, it's mainly there to encourage our pursuit of naked men—and to tell us how to please them. Yet, they have a huge problem with actual naked men: when Jossip found Internet porn photos of two of their "50 Hottest Bachelors of 2008," the magazine promptly uninvited them from their Hottest Bachelor Party, reports Page Six. Oh, come on—one was an amateur porn site, and the other was (see middle pic.) We can't expect these hotties to be monogamous! Cosmo—she of the "dirty, shocking things men want from you" headlines—is acting so uptight. But! The real weirdness comes from one of the 48 non-naked Hottest Bachelors. OF COURSE there's a Sarah Palin connection—it's Wasilla, Alaska's other Levi:

Weird factoid: their Hot Bachelor from Alaska is from Wasilla, and his name is Levi, too! He's 19, and he is the guy that was occasionally misidentified as Levi Johnston when the news about the father of Bristol Palin's baby was breaking. This Levi (last name: Fox) does not identify as a "fuckin' redneck," however. He says he'd "love to be a pilot" someday, and thinks sex on the first date is "skanky." Those are values that Palin would truly approve of. Maybe he should be dating Bristol!