Madonna/Guy Ritchie Wreckage Offers Many Clues, No Answers in Couple's Crash

The radioactivity of Madonna and Guy Ritchie's combustion has settled nicely around our culture since Wednesday, yielding glowing little piles of second-guesses, third-guesses and other detritus helping us make sense of the biggest matrimonial disaster of the year. Here to help you with your wasteland exploration, Defamer's Biohazard Squad suited up this morning to map the terrain; their findings are after the jump.· Madge's first concert after the announcement went off as planned in Boston, where the singer introduced her number "Miles Away" with the loving dedication, "This song is for the emotionally retarded. Maybe you know some people who fall into that category. God knows I do." Many experts linked the comment to her soon-to-be-ex-husband, but in any case, the other 11,000 emotionally retarded fans in attendance whooped with appreciation at the shout-out. · Or maybe Madonna intended the dig for her lying flack Liz Rosenberg, who's one Oprah ban away from officially joining the Pop-Culture Pariah Hall of Fame after drawing censure from both Page Six and People Magazine in the same day.

· In enumerating the reasons why Ritchie was a poor match for Madge, Michael Musto points gayward: "He's way homophobic. And let's face it: To be married to Madonna and not care for the sight of gays makes as much sense as a diabetic in a candy shop." We're not so sure; Ritchie and Joel Silver (at right) have been awfully cozy of late, and no one's tattling on their trysts at Dos Caminos. · World-class parasite and one-time Madonna biographer Andrew Morton offered his own take on the bust-up, writing about her British phase for The Daily Beast: "The British loved the fact that she proved such a jolly good sport. Like the Queen Mother before her, she became an adopted National Treasure, the girl from the Midwest treated and behaving like royalty." So what happened? Swept Away, for starters: "She has proved that she can live with fake. But not with failure." · And Musto and Morton (among others) observe that her directorial debut Filth and Wisdom may have broken Ritchie's back, surpassing his own RockNRolla for ambition and achievement. The critics might beg to differ. · Regardless, all appears to be forgiven in her adopted hometown: New York wants full custody after the divorce.