· Brad Pitt and George Miller are teaming to adapt Homer's The Odyssey into a sci-fi opera, set in a futuristic world where Pitt's abs are the only sustainable fuel source. [Variety] · Will Ferrell will make his Broadway debut this January in the Adam McKay-directed You're Welcome America: A Final Night With George W Bush. Look for opening night protests by Anonymous—a shadowy group comprised of one guy in a Guy Fawkes mask who sounds a lot like Chris Kattan chanting, "You stole my career!" [Variety] After the jump: How did McCain's visit to Letterman affect the ratings? Here's a hint: They went up!· Kevin Smith is hoping to make a $50 million sci-fi comedy, and the Weinsteins "have read part of the script and are interested." So that's where Harvey is! Securing funding on Venus. [THR] · McCain's Late Show appearance brought in the show's biggest ratings in three years: 6.5 million, to be precise, were hoping to see the first shaming-to-death of a presidential candidate in history. They were left disappointed. [Variety] · Opportunity Knocks—the Ashton Kutcher brainchild that brings the game show right to your upper-middle-class, suburban-white-family door!—has been pulled from ABC's schedule after three low-rated episodes. [TV Week]