Extortion, Bullying and Victoria Jackson Among GOP's Worsening Hollywood Perils

The entertainment industry's GOP delegate count remains at historic lows two weeks ahead of the presidential election, a phenomenon glimpsed today in a new survey over at The Hollywood Reporter. It's surely not for lack of trying — not with efforts like An American Carol and the McCain campaign's brief Beverly Hills incursion raising Republican visibility where they can — but outrage continues to mount among right-wingers like Kelsey Grammer and pundit Andrew Breitbart, the latter of whom chimed in yet again to tout the conservative, "Big Hollywood" blog he's been pushing since before the GOP convention in August:
"There's an undeniably vicious attitude against those who dissent," Breitbart said. "Hollywood is the most predictable place on the planet, not exclusively because of politics but because of narrow-mindedness." Breitbart maintains that liberals have pushed conservatives too hard in Hollywood and that Americans have noticed. His intent is "to stop the bullying." [...] [Screenwriter and "BH" contributor Andrew] Klavan also said liberalism seeps into too much Hollywood content nowadays and offers as proof the several anti-Iraq war movies that have been boxoffice bombs. "These aren't even movies about the war on terror," he said. "They're Vietnam War movies, made by people who sit around at Skybar discussing their pacifist world view."
As such, the failure of films like Body of Lies to find popular traction must provide at least some solace to the Breitbart and Co., who pass along rumors of make-up trailers "warning Republicans to keep out" and a particularly troubling allegation of a $10,000 Democratic campaign extorted from a closeted GOP producer who feared his politics might cost him his job. Worse yet, they've been abandoned by their own candidates, with nonstarters Cindy McCain and Todd Palin sitting in at events hoping to raise money and awareness for their spouses. Meanwhile, "Big Hollywood" has yet to launch (though you cansign up for a "first-look invitation" for whenever Brietbart gets around to flipping the switch). Until then, the right is in unfailingly good hands: The Hollywood Congress of Republicans is all the way up to 160 members, with noted, nutty Christian firebrand Victoria Jackson recently regaling the organization with a handstand filibuster in the service of the McCain/Palin ticket. Next up, we hear: A carefully coordinated Charlton Heston seance to help get out the vote in Indiana, Ohio and other battleground states. He would have wanted it that way, no doubt.