Michelle Obama's Terrorist Meal Fake, Admits Page Six

Wow, who would have guessed??! It turns out Michelle Obama didn't order Iranian caviar, two whole lobsters, a lobster hors d'oeuvres and champagne from room service the other night, as the Post's Page Six claimed. The wife of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama ate an entirely different treasonous elitist meal (probably) somewhere else. In fact, she wasn't even staying at the Waldorf-Astoria, as Page Six had it. Whoops. The gossip section so did not see this coming, because why wouldn't you run with something so plausible? "We regret the mistake, and our former source is going to regret it, too," it said today. To really make up for it, the paper went ahead and smeared conservative Ann Coulter, by way of trashing McCain:
Sightings: ANN Coulter in the express checkout line at Palm Beach's Publix supermarket telling a friend, "Yeah, McCain is toast unless he can pull out something sensational."
Not really a fair trade, as far as these things go.