While her old BFF Paris Hilton has remade herself as a third-party presidential candidate, Nicole Richie has been content to slip out of the spotlight, instead making questionable moves like living in Glendale and giving the dude from Good Charlotte a second career as a professional boyfriend. Last night, however, Richie returned to the acting career she had given up after being forced to feign interest in the non-famous for multiple seasons of The Simple Life. In her appearance on the NBC show Chuck, Richie channeled her claws and engaged in a bruising, bloody catfight not seen since the great Aguilera/Richie Baby Picture Smackdown, and we have the confrontation's best moments. Sure, the fight isn't quite Buffy vs. Faith caliber, but at least it's better than the brouhaha that ensued when Paris and Nicole once showed up to a T-Mobile party wearing the exact same hair extensions. Shit went down — trust. [NBC]