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How many members of the Ronson clan are now in the business of selling sneakers? If you guessed more than one, congrats—you win. Gucci has tapped Mark Ronson to design a line of kicks called "Gucci Ronsons," which will debut when a bunch of "sneakers-only pop-up shops" open up this fall.

Not to be outdone, Samantha Ronson has her own sneakers line to promote these days. Apparently, they're made of "distressed suede," which may mark the first time her name has appeared alongside the word "distressed" without being closely followed by "Lindsay Lohan."

The only member left out of the footwear party? That would be Charlotte Ronson, who also happens to be the only member of the family that is a designer per se. Let's hope that gets corrected soon enough!

Pop goes Mark Ronson []
Samantha Ronson Designed Sneakers for Supra [Cut]