Something is stirring at Forbes Media, the publisher of Forbes magazine and, two similarly named but otherwise uncooperative publications. Bill Baldwin, the paper tiger who runs print editorial, has issued a memo to his staff announcing two promotions. The Dickensianly named Stewart Pinkerton "will continue to spend a lot of his time overseeing the contributions of print writers to and vice versa." The other guy, Tom Post, will remain another faceless middle-management drone, but we're inclined to like the guy, since he went to the University of Chicago.

In recognition of their considerable contributions to the magazine in the past year, I am elevating Stewart Pinkerton and Tom Post from Deputy Managing Editors to Managing Editors. Before joining Forbes in 1990, Stewart spent 24 years at the Wall Street Journal, in a mix of reporting and editing positiions, including Deputy Managing Editor under Norm Pearlstine. He's a graduate of Princeton and has a J.D. from New York Law School. Tom joined Forbes 11 years ago from ABC News. He has B.A. from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from UC, Berekeley. This masthead change won't result in any reassigments of writers. Stewart will continue to spend a lot of his time overseeing the contributions of print writers to and vice versa. That job is getting bigger; it is vital that magazine contributions to the Web go where they will deliver the most prestige and traffic. Tom will keep his stable of writers and have a large role in the development of cover stories. He has done much in the past two months to keep us on top of the news.