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Say hello to a new member of the Hamptons social set: Vince Shlomi, the man better known as the Vince the ShamWow guy, who, much to the surprise of those in attendance, put in an appearance at the Mercedes-Benz Polo Challenge at Blue Star Jets Field this past weekend. Shlomi says he's here in New York because "branching out from infomercials" with some sort of "movie project," and he also plans to design "some swimwear lines" with his new business partner, model Courtney Bingham.

As for the little incident earlier this year that earned Shlomi infamy, the former member of the Church of Scientology seems to be taking it in stride."You gotta learn a lesson as you go through life," he tells Blog Hamptons. "God slaps you around a little bit when you drink too much."

That's all well and good, of course, but you may want to use caution if you find yourself in a luxury hotel suite and Shlomi is standing next to you.

ShamWow Pitchman: God Beat Him Up Too! [Blog Hamptons]