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Christine Quinn has been slacking, clearly. This week the City Council speaker denounced the nudie show at the Standard Hotel, a faux scandal cooked up by the tabloids during a slow news week, and one that wasn't even newsworthy considering the existence of the sex shows —and the fact it was largely a publicity stunt to drum up interest in the hotel—were reported, like, ages ago.

But since both news-starved newspapers and politicians seem so interested in inventing drama where it doesn't exist, we'll ask the question: Did Quinn (or any of the reporters covering nudie-gate) happen to go inside the hotel and notice that the trippy art installation playing in the Standard elevators—a video mural by artist Marco Brambilla—not only contains a few bits of bare flesh, but several images of swastikas, too? It does!

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Right now an innocent child is getting into one of the elevators and being exposed to this imagery, which Brambilla says represents his vision of "the journey from heaven to hell." Have you no decency, Andre Balazs? Will Quinn stand idly by as the hotel once against flouts community standards?

It sounds like it's time for another press conference, Madame Speaker!

Civilization by Marco Brambilla [Motionographer via Unbeige]