Scandal: New White House Twitter Account 'Favorited' Some Old P. Diddy Tweets
Jim Newell · 07/01/10 11:01AMOne More 'Scandal' at the Standard
cityfile · 08/26/09 11:24AM
Christine Quinn has been slacking, clearly. This week the City Council speaker denounced the nudie show at the Standard Hotel, a faux scandal cooked up by the tabloids during a slow news week, and one that wasn't even newsworthy considering the existence of the sex shows —and the fact it was largely a publicity stunt to drum up interest in the hotel—were reported, like, ages ago.
John McCain Is Not Poor! Breaking!
cityfile · 07/30/08 11:25AMThe Huffington Post has a major scoop. It seems John McCain is partial to Ferragamo loafers, specifically the Pregiato Moccasin which retails at Neiman-Marcus for $520! They even have a slideshow to prove it, documenting every occasion over the past few weeks when he's worn the footwear on the campaign trail—in the company of his $100 million wife. [HuffPo]