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Today is not a good day for Hassan Nemazee, the banker and Democratic heavyweight who served as finance co-chairman for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. He's now out on bail following his indictment on bank fraud charges, which is nice. And the terms of his release allow him to remain in his Park Avenue apartment under house arrest, which is good, too. But he can't do very much. He's not allowed to watch TV or use a computer. And making ends meet may be tough for Nemazee now that he's had to put his apartment and weekend home up as collateral, and the judge also prohibited him from applying for any new bank loans or credit cards. But have no fear, Hassan! We have a little workaround for you.

It looks like there's at least one untapped source of cash that Nemazee can turn to if need be. According to New York State's Unclaimed Funds database, there are at least two checks waiting for him with his name on them. The only issue is that to get his hands on the money, he'd gave to go online and fill out a form, and that isn't something he's allowed to do. Maybe Mrs. Nemazee could help out here? Let's hope so!

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