Which TV Network Chief Had His Wife Rent Michael Phelps?

When we speculated about a future in TV for Olympian Michael Phelps, we thought it might involve, at most, a Screech-toplined movie of the week (along with the obligatory SNL stint). Imagine our surprise, then, when Page Six told us today that Phelps has embarked upon a second career in Los Angeles: renting himself out to satisfy Hollywood wives!
WE HEAR...that Olympic hero Michael Phelps - besides banking a bundle from endorsements - picked up $100,000 for appearing at an LA pool party for a TV network chief's wife and swimming some laps.
Which chief? Wanton speculation, after the jump:While NBC head Ben Silverman has a well-documented love of the Olympics, he's still single (and ready to mingle, ladies!). Might the item be referring to ABC's Steve McPherson, Fox's Kevin Reilly, or even (gasp) an entertainment head in cable? Maybe, but we're going to go with our gut. In that case, kudos are in order to bride-of-CBS Julie Chen, who surely tired of watching her Big Brother charges have all the pool party fun and convinced her husband, network topper Les Moonves, to shell out the hundred thou for some gold medal abs. "Sure, you can do a few laps for me, Michael," we imagine she said as she sipped an amaretto stone sour out on the lanai. "But first... let me slip into something a little more comfortable." [Photo Credit: AP]