
Bubble Watch: Chinese Property Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/13 02:22PM

The global economy is like a boiling pot of water— full of bubbles. Or you might say it's like a glass of soda—full of bubbles. Starting small, inflating, and finally bursting—bubbles. Where will he next economic bubble"pop up," ha? Perhaps in a land far, far away.

Jamie Dimon Vs. JPMorgan: One Must Go

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/13 09:11AM

Jamie Dimon is one of the most admired CEOs on Wall Street. Under his watch, JPMorgan Chase has been penalized for multiple legal violations, capped by the largest legal fines in banking history. Should Jamie Dimon be fired? Well, if not, his bank should be destroyed.

Jeff Bezos Is a Brilliant Cheap Prick

Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/13 11:04AM

There's little doubt that Amazon is the future of retailing. Its CEO, Jeff Bezos, is one of the most admired and scrutinized businessmen in the world. How did he build the company into what it is today? By being a penny-pinching ballbuster.

America's Cold-Blooded Syrian Stalemate Policy

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/13 02:27PM

Syria is embroiled in a civil war. The US could decide to help one side win; alternately, we could just stay out of it. Instead, we're taking a third route: purposely working to ensure that nobody wins.

The Southern Water Wars Are Just Beginning

Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/13 10:52AM

The future of America (and, indeed, the world) will be characterized by widespread and increasingly violent skirmishes for control of the last sources of precious, precious water. Currently, we're in phase one: the legal battles.

Jimmy Fallon's Show Finds Way to Get More Annoying

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 04:26PM

Between permanently kidnapping The Roots and producing the god damn endless popular cover song medleys that every god damn asshole wants to share with you on Facebook, you might have thought that mop-headed giggler Jimmy Fallon's show had reached Peak Irksomeness. Wrong!

A Shocking Number of Working People Live in Homeless Shelters

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 09:45AM

During the tenure of billionaire mayor Mike Bloomberg, the number of homeless people in New York City's shelter system has increased to more than 50,000, an all-time high. An astoundingly high percentage of those people have jobs.

Florida Pastor Arrested While Towing 2998 Kerosene-Soaked Qurans

Lacey Donohue · 09/11/13 08:59PM

A Florida pastor was arrested today, thus halting his Facebooked-plans to burn 2998 Qurans in a Mulberry park to “protest” the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Pastor Terry Jones, 61, and his associate Pastor Marvin Sapp Jr., 44, were just minding their own business driving a pickup truck towing a large grill filled with thousands of kerosene-soaked Qurans when they were pulled over and stopped.

Bill de Blasio, the Anti-Bloomberg, Wins Democratic Mayoral Primary

Lacey Donohue · 09/10/13 09:34PM

According to exit poll results, early returns, and the live streaming video from the Team de Blasio block party in Brooklyn, Bill de Blasio will win the democratic mayoral primary, though it’s unclear whether he will hit the 40 percent needed to avoid a runoff. Currently, Thompson is behind de Blasio in votes, followed by Christine Quinn.