• Chris Matthews, MSNBC: "It was romance. It was realism... I thought it was fabulous."
  • Sara K. Smith, Wonkette: "Cried through the whole informercial... Your editor is such a pussy."
  • Mark Halperin, Time: "F'ing well done."
  • Mark Hemingway, National Review: "The last thing that should be driving America's voting habits is a half-hour of Manipulative Portraits of Downtrodden Victims of Shadowy Governmental Forces... America is not one big breadline
  • Ben Smith, Politico: " A dramatic gesture executed in a very safe fashion."
  • McCain campaign: "The sales-job is always better than the product. Buyer beware."
  • Rachel Maddow, MSNBC: "He had me at the waving wheat."
  • Tom Shales, Washington Post, via Hollywood Reporter: "An elegant combination of pictures, sounds, voices and music designed not so much to sell America on Barack Obama as to communicate... how it would feel to live in an America with Barack Obama in the White House."
  • Rocky Mountain News, via same: "This was 30 minutes of high-class production values, which told you little that you didn't know before but which offered you 30 minutes of feeling comfortable watching Obama from your living room."
  • Full ad is after the jump, if you somehow missed it.