Alec Baldwin Fears Palin

- After starring with Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, Alec Baldwin said the Republican vice presidential nominee was not "someone who I wanted her hand on the nuclear button at any point." At least that's what he told David Letterman, before impersonating Palin. Video after the jump. [Extra]
- Courtenay Semel, daughter of former Yahoo chief Terry Semel, as quoted by a Caesar's Palace security guard in a lawsuit: "Do you even know who I am, f**king idiot?...Google me, you dumb f**k." [TMZ]
- Still in Britain, Paris Hilton showed up at a bar, looking for the nation's various strapping young princes. They weren't there, so she "tried to mingle" with the princes' friends. [London Paper]
- According to Bono, America is "Brand U.S.A.," and the election a "great chance to relaunch" that brand. The celebrity made these comments at a gathering of Starbucks baristas, probably after arriving in a hybrid limo powered by the incineration of American flags, just so the occasion could more perfectly encapsulate all terrible stereotypes about the liberal political base. [AP]
- Courtney Cox is involved with a show called "Cougar Town." Which sounds awful, but her last show was actually titled "Dirt," so kind of a step up, right? [The Insider]
Palin stuff about a minute in: