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Lizzie Grubman appears to have landed a hot new PR client: Vince Shlomi, the man better known as Vince the ShamWow guy (and someone who, like Lizzie, has faced his share of high-profile legal trouble in the past: As you may recall, Vince was arrested earlier this year for beating up a hooker in a Miami hotel room.) Over the summer, Shlomi said he was planning to branch out with a swimwear line, which probably explains why he attended Fashion Week shows both yesterday and today accompanied by Grubman (and managed to leer at the models on the runway both times). But if anyone can redeem the dishrag/blender huckster and ex-Scientologist and turn him into a hot ticket on fashion scene, it's probably Grubman! A couple of additional photos of Lizzie and her new BFF (and a special bonus!) below.

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NB: Bonus points to any of you who recognized the guy on the far left in the first and third photos: That's Jared Seligman, the precocious 21-year-old "celebrity" real estate broker, BFF of the Olsen twins, and a Fashion Week staple, seated with designer Charlotte Ronson.

Previously: Bridgehampton Polo Only Attracts the Best of the Best