• So how did Jay Leno's new show do? He hit it out of the park ratings-wise, roping in an estimated 18 million viewers. The reviews were all pretty lousy, though, so don't be surprised if it's all downhill from here. [AdAge, LAT, THR]
• The sale of BusinessWeek: Bruce Wasserstein has dropped out as a potential acquirer of the struggling mag. And it's cutting 20% of its staff. [BW, NYT]
• ABC News has apologized to the White House for Nightline anchor Terry Moran's tweet about Obama calling Kanye West a "jackass." [LAT]
• Speaking of the White House, Barack Obama will be David Letterman's guest on Monday night; it's the first time a sitting president has done the show. [NYT]
• Oprah's season premiere scored big thanks to Whitney Houston. [Wrap]
• The House of Harvey has sustained another blow: Harvey Weinstein's 70 percent stake in the home-video distributor Genius Products, once worth as much as $400 million, is now pretty much worthless. [NYP]
• Speaking of the film mogul, The Weinstein Co. picked up the rights to A Single Man, designer Tom Ford's debut film, at the Toronto Film Festival. [THR]

The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown's follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, was released today. Now he has 5 million books to sell. No pressure! [Reuters]
• The Wall Street Journal plans to start charging people to read the paper on mobile devices, says News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch. [Reuters]
• Related: Murdoch says he thinks the ad market is "improving." [THR]
• Now that Martha Stewart's deal with Kmart is coming to an end, she'll be selling her junk at Home Depot beginning in 2010. [AP]
• The Observer has launched its commercial real estate spin-off. [NYO]
Jonathan Landman is the New York Times' new culture editor. [Gawker]
• Is a True Blood video game on the way? Maybe! [Vulture]